
You are currently viewing Manipulators

Regardless of the phrase “you attract what you are”, warmth can attract moths. Kindness, softness, and empathy can attract manipulators, and be a pawn in their game; like dementors allured by happiness – depleting, diminishing, and demeaning.

No human is sinless. It’s human nature – the dualities of human nature; the oppositions that coexist of the good and bad.

We are the polarities that exist, and the spectrum in between. The people around us pull different shades of us, and our dualities gravitate to our experience.

Often, how authentic and raw we are is attracting people to be the same around us. How we manifest ourselves, we allow others to do the same.

But regardless of the phrase “you attract what you are”, warmth can attract moths. Kindness, softness, and empathy can attract manipulators, and be a pawn in their game; like dementors allured by happiness – depleting, diminishing, and demeaning.

There are people whose kindness becomes merely a facade after their manipulative shade comes to light. You can never see them for who they were once that image is wrecked.

When the darker duality comes forth, trust is broken, their voice echoes through your bones, and no matter how strenuously you try to scrub the memory, there is always a fear of them reverting to that person.

Trust, image, and words begin to lose their meaning. Such people often coat their words with sweetness, praising to your strengths initially allowing you to taste cotton candy and the grace of their kindness; while they slyly guilt trip you. They prey on your good nature, fears and keep you second-guessing.

When confronted, they reinvent truth, play the victim card as they cunningly twist the truth to question the roots of your being. Rather than apologizing for their actions and its consequences they blame you for bringing forth this upon yourself with their distorted truth.

Often they act passively aggressive, whispering hastily about you from one ear to another painting an unfavorable image of yourself. With their misdirected blame and unwarranted shame, they often show no remorse for their action when confronted.

Regardless of the injustice they inflict and the naivety they muddle and taint with their cunningness – they personate as though they hold power to render your life short.

As you comprehend the unraveling layers of their persona and your naivety struggles to grasp what has the situation twisted to become – you’re unable to find support from others as they are still angelic in their eyes whereas the inflictor in your story.

Staying aware, staying in touch with what you know to be true about yourself, experience and others can prove to be possibly one of the most grounding factors of actuality. 

Sabila Siddiqui

A medical student who is passionate about content creation; taking the form of writing, graphic art, videography, and photography.